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Please find brief statistics concerning the digital map of the country and its major cities.

Promo price: just $1000 for the map of any city!

If you are interested in purchasing a map, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us the way you prefer:

All the maps are supplied with the Standard or Premium set of layers

Name of mapping layer Standard Premium
Regions: Countries, Districts, Cities, Buildings, BUA, Vegetation, Hydrography, and etc.
Polylines: Road Network, Hydrography, Railroad ways
Points: City Center, Address, Railroad stations, Road Network Nodes
Geographical Names, Administrative Divisions, , Infrastructure objects
All signs and navigational maneuvers for road network, POI, Business Listing
Type, Class, Speed, Pavement of Road, Transport, Lane Connections, Entry Points
Relief & Building's Height, 3D Models of Buildings & Facilities

We will supply map data in any format you choose according to the requirements of your project.

Source formats we keep and process the maps in are ArcGis, MapInfo, MapPolish (mp).

Short country statistics
DataSet Coverage, sq km Routing Length, km Routing Nodes Routing Segments Routing Labeled Segments Routing Restrictions Buildings Buildings Heights Addresses POI
Qatar 22081 12740 67192 90927 30826 4319 13977 13875 160651 20756

Live screenshots from our Dataset

Short statistics for most important cities with detailed coverage
Name English Name Local Addresses Buildings Streets Routing Length, km Area, sq km
DOHA الدوحة 61400 13949 3238 2203 157
AL RAYYAN الريان 51536 17 2736 2800 282
AL WAKRA الوكرة 9575 3 648 511 72
UMM SLAL أم صلال 6900 0 486 250 20
AL KHOR AND AL THAKHIRA الخور و الذخيرة 6739 3 547 311 25
AL EBB العب 4086 0 313 216 16
MESAIEED مسيعيد 2391 0 226 303 46
UMM SALAL ALI أم صلال على 1481 0 145 75 9
AL SHAMAL الشمال 1457 0 181 95 8
AL SHEEHANIYA الشيحانية 1156 0 71 37 3
SIMAISMA سميسمة 507 0 76 30 2
AL SAKHAMA الصخامة 430 0 82 52 6
LIJMILIYA لجمليه 331 0 24 10 1
THE PEARL QATAR اللؤلؤة قطر 186 4 157 78 7
DUKHAN دخان 0 0 9 62 7

phone: +380 44 221-61-20
mail: skv@transnavi.com